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Buy LOCI shoes online

100% VEGAN. 100% NEW. 0% COPIED.

True to this motto, the manufacturer LØKI is revolutionising the fashion world with regard to VEGAN SHOES. The technology is a manifesto of creativity, a milestone in development and a declaration of love to Mother Earth! It's about even more: a positive attitude to life, the soul of values and a green mission! LØCI adopts completely new, innovative approaches that do not attempt to imitate real leather in any way, but rather to create something completely NEW! The resulting material is made from recycled ocean plastic.


LØCI supports projects such as Misson Blue, See Turtles, British Divers and Sea Sheperd, which are committed to preserving the oceans, protecting endangered species and keeping our seas clean. Every day, around 8 million pieces of plastic end up in the world's oceans, killing millions of marine animals. A rethink is now taking place - and LØCI is putting its heart and soul into it! Every pair of LØCI shoes prevents 20 plastic bottles from ending up in our oceans and landfills. Controlled quantities are produced to avoid oversupply. Simply ingenious: 10% of the profit from each pair is donated to the establishment of marine protected areas and the protection of endangered marine species.